Song Of The Day#19-The Luck You Got By The High Strung

It took me the longest time ever to find this song. But I’m happy to say that I have finally found it and love the whole song! The Luck You Got is the theme song for the American version of Shameless. I love Shameless, I love Ian because he’s so gay and secretive and adorable, Lip because he’s such a smartass, and Carl because he is just so insanely crazy. If you haven’t seen this show yet, you’re missing out on a very funny, very real family life show about a fucked up family.

The High Strung is a band from Detroit, Michigan form in 2000. The band comprises lead singer and guitarist Josh Malerman, bassist Chad Stocker, and drummer Derek Berk. The Luck You Got is from their second album, Moxie Bravo. Currently, they have seven albums and two EPs.

The Luck You Got by The High Strung is a song about thinking about all the luck you have now. And how times before were different, and you used to be different and willing ‘but its not like that anymore.’ This song is upbeat and easy to fall in love with. No wonder they chose this song as the theme song for Shameless!

My favourite part is:

Round up the friends you got
Know that they’re not for naught
You were willing once before
But it’s not like that anymore

The time that you would never trade
Is equal to the effort made
You were simple once before
But it’s not like that anymore

You can listen to The Luck You Got by The High Strung Here.

Lyrics are Here.

You can watch free episodes/videos of Shameless Here.